
Yes, you’re actually having a baby. It’s utterly life changing and can seem surreal at times. Pip? Jelly Bean? Peanut? Giving your unborn baby a nickname can help create the ‘aaah’ factor. Your baby is sensitive to how you feel – the happier you are, the happier baby is. So, here’s a few ways you can try baby bonding with your unborn child.

Go on a date

You may be physically attached to baby all day long, but consciously spending time together creates an emotional bond. Forming a baby bond during your pregnancy can include taking baby for a walk in the park, enjoying a healthy lunch together, or having a chat - from week 23 baby can hear you.

Mother placing headphones over baby bump

Sing baby, sing

You may not be a karaoke queen but while others are diving for the earplugs, your baby is thinking your voice is the best in the world. Form a baby bond during pregnancy by serenading them with the cheesiest love songs you can think of. They’ll enjoy the ‘power of love’ even if those around you don’t.

Have a bath

Seeing as baby is hanging out in water feeling all warm and relaxed, why not join them? Light some candles, play relaxing music, close your eyes and let the love wash over you.

Write to baby

Pregnancy journals are a great way to record those special memories and form a baby bond during your pregnancy. The moment you found out you were pregnant, the first kick, the first time you saw a scan - imagine sharing with your child in years to come.

Massage your bump

Your baby will pick up on how you feel almost from the start. Their ears, eyes and tongue will be forming so they’ll be receptive to touch and sound. Gently stroke and rub your tum whenever you want to feel a connection, anytime after 12 weeks is safe.

How to bond with your baby by simply being

Making a baby is a big, big deal. And with so much changing so quickly, it can help to just sit still and be in the moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. As you do, visualise each part of your body. It can heighten your awareness of the amazing changes going on inside. Taking this moment to slow down and be in the moment can also help you emotionally prepare for parenthood.


That weightless feeling of being in water can help you get in touch with your body and allow for baby bonding during pregnancy. You can swim as early on in pregnancy as you want. Later, it can give those poor swollen feet some welcome relief too.


Pregnancy yoga is a big thing and can help build a baby bond. Simple stretching and basic poses are safe to do - but only after week 14. You may also learn relaxing breathing techniques, which will help you pay attention to your body and connect with baby. It’s important to tell your instructor that you are pregnant to ensure the moves are appropriate for you and your bump.

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